James J. Reeves II

Partner with Melchiode Marks King.

Reported Decisions/Slip Opinions:


Reeves Prevails on Coverage Summary Judgment in Mississippi Under Total Pollution Exclusion:

In a case of first impression, the Southern District of Mississippi granted Reeves' summary judgment brief on the duty to defend and indemnify under the Total Pollution Exclusion in a Declaratory Judgment Action, Colony Insurance Company v. Jatinder Singh et al. (See S.D. Miss. 3:15-cv-00925-DPJ-FKB Document 39).  In Singh, Colony, represented by Reeves and MMK partner Rich King, brought suit against the insured, a truck stop, and the estate of the deceased plaintiff in the underlying liability suit against the truck stop.  The underlying case alleges that the decedent was washing a truck out while working at the truck stop, when he opened the tanker and was overcome by toxic gasses from rotting chicken livers.  Raising the total pollution exclusion, Reeves, on behalf of Colony, successfully defeated coverage.  The case was of relative first impression, and, in a fifteen page, Erie guess opinion, the Court found no duty to defend or indemnify.